Originally posted on October 3, 2020 at https://ailovestogrow.wixsite.com/mysite/post/the-music-of-my-characters

These are my favorite kinds of pictures, something so clearly sexual and only a single pixel away from becoming explicit. One of the reasons I'm so into expansion is how clothing is always tearing apart and if the artist is particularly gifted then there is that tipping moment before the burst and...talk about a perfect O moment.
I usually have a hard time writing these posts. For everyone who is new, I keep my public life a secret because I don't want to estrange my friends and family. I'm also - in my public life - a very political person who's last job involved writing political commentary for a few affiliated websites.
(I also look around at the division politics can inflict upon people and my opinion is it doesn't matter what a person's politics are, smut should unite us, not divide us. I have opinions, very strong opinions, but unless I'm writing political smut why does any of it matter? The only opinion that should matter is whether you like the smut or not.)
Now I work for a large corporation in the food industry and I deal with a large part of the paperwork of the business. To keep my identity secret, I don't go much into this part of my life either. However, if I self-impose myself from writing about my everyday things or about my political opinions or about my job, I'm left with a very small percentage of topics I feel like I can talk about.
This is why I go into so much pop culture, mostly quoting movies. I'm a movie quote machine normally but anyone can be a fan of movies so I can still keep my secret identity secret.
Anyway, enough of that. I had planned on putting this into the end of Book 2, but I'm thinking the QA there will be more like a Best Of highlight reel of my blog posts. What I'm about to say is that the single most influential work of art for the general tone and shape of Honoka and Becoming Monsters Book 2 is the song Might+U by Makayla Phillips ( https://youtu.be/P3HvdBkJQxI ). The song is hauntingly beautiful, a passionate and slow vocal rendition of You Say Run from Boku no Hero Academia, specifically it is the main theme for the Heroes: Rising movie that came out last year.
I had this song on almost constant repeat for months, probably specifically while I was writing the outline for Book 2. And while all of the song is great and moving, it is that first line that grips me.
You're not alone.
I'm listening to it right now and I can't stop crying. There's a moment I have planned for the final climax of the book (well, not the final climaxxx) and this song is the soundtrack. Whenever I need to laser focus on the emotions of Book 2, this is the song playing in my earbuds. And whenever Honoka finds herself drowning under the troubles she finds herself in, there is a wife nearby to say those words and bring her back to herself.
I can't think of a more important message any story can give, because whenever a person reads a book, those characters become your friends. The author wrote this story so a person read it: every time a book is read the author is there with you, holding your hand and smiling.
You're not alone.
I've been through loneliness and lived through a suicide attempt. If the only thing you take away from my stories is that there is someone else out there who understands, then I am content.
Wow...um, got a little sidetracked there. If you haven't heard it, this is what Might+U does to a person, it just brings out all the emotions.
Anyway, around May I started to think if any of the other girls had theme songs. I looked over my notes and they all have music they like listening to, so I started picking music that matched their personalities. While I don't listen to these songs as much, whenever I've gotten stuck or needed to get into the zone, I've used these songs to help write a particular character. I'll leave out the names of the unknown wives for now, but I'll list their songs.
Diane: Anu Natsu He, by Joe Hisaishi ( https://youtu.be/TK1Ij_-mank )
Eve: Tease Me Please Me, by The Scorpions ( https://youtu.be/wENdZneWDYs )
Banda: Take Me Home Country Roads, by John Denver ( https://youtu.be/1vrEljMfXYo )
Quinn: Twist It, by Ray Charles ( https://youtu.be/7g8nDfUqSLg )
Padmava: Sex The First Time, by Marc C Griso ( https://youtu.be/bsQltqOFpKE )
Miaka: Here Comes The Boom Clean, by Nelly ( https://youtu.be/20WnerdIa7k )
Dolly: I Surrender, by Celine Dion ( https://youtu.be/hnjGqS1Doto )
****: Pump Up, by Nao Nagasawa ( https://youtu.be/jVaVED5L97I )
*******: Moonlight Sonata, by Beethoven ( https://youtu.be/4Tr0otuiQuU )
********: Somewhere Over The Rainbow, By Brother Iz ( https://youtu.be/V1bFr2SWP1I )
There are a few more wives introduced in this book, but their main stories will be handled in Book 3 and I haven't picked songs for them yet.
I love music, with over 100k songs on my iTunes and these are all from playlists I've listened to over the years, but I do have a Writing playlist with these and a few others that are how I get myself into the zone. It helps to have me focus on what kind of person these songs represent and maybe you can all get a better idea of what kind of person I think the main characters are.
Special love to Lonny on Amazon for the review! I've always ranted at books when characters - especially in erotica - who make choices that have no application to reality or any other form of logic. Whenever something happens in my books, I ask myself a simple question: "what would I do?" Now, I try to temper that with what I know about the character and situation, but I always have some kind of reason for what they do in my head whatever they do, and it is nice for you to see that! Thanks! Also thanks to the silent reviewer on Amazon and to those tasty starts from Rodolfo Luthe on GoodReads. Thanks!
The Twitter experiment continues (@AiLove30886336) but it is so hard to track how much is coming in from there. I've honestly got my finger in a lot of pies and any one of them could be contributing - or none of them - to my sales, which right now while not great, aren't dismal either. I'm mostly spreading myself out right now so I can get the groundwork ready for the release of Book 2.
About halfway through the current round of rewriting. Yes, I know I should have probably powered through to the end and then rewritten then, but I couldn't do it. It was like an itch in my brain that kept bothering me so I finally broke and just got to it. I'm not sure how much I got in the plus side this week, I almost completely obliterated Chapter 14 and straight up deleted over 6000 words (don't worry, I move them to other files in case I need them later, but they are no longer in the main story files). I'm seriously wondering if I should be telling you all this and how insecure I am about my own writing, but I made this blog to account for myself to you and I think it has made me a better writer. Tell me your thoughts.
Keep harmonizing!
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