Originally posted on October 10, 2020 at https://ailovestogrow.wixsite.com/mysite/post/the-last-straw-changing-websites-soon

Wix has failed me for the last time! Now the blog feed that I use to connect my posts to Amazon and GoodReads no longer works, gives the wrong link for the post. By next week, I hope to have transferred all the posts from here to a Blogger.com page.
Ug, this is such a headache I don't need right now!
I've been meaning to do this for a long time. I originally created my page on Wix because I thought I'd have a more traditional website. As the months have gone by, I've found I only use the blog function and Blogger is simpler. I REALLY hope this fixes the problem and gets me in a better place before Book 2 comes around.
Because that's what all this is about. An indy author is only as good as her last published work and Book 1 was published AGES ago. When I published, I didn't have all these little things like blogs and social media followers that a book needs to succeed in place. I just put it out there and I'm frankly surprised its made any sales at all. There were a couple of ups and downs, but when I published CENSORED and tapped into Amazon's marketing machine, I didn't just see a bump, I got an injection of rocket fuel into my veins. In July, for 2 weeks, I made more in sales and KENP pages read than all the other 8 months my book has been live, times 5, combined. Which has got my brain hampster turning her little wheel in my head:
If I use the right marketing, what is Book 2 going to do in its first two weeks?
Stuff like this is what keeps me up at night. In the last few weeks I think I went on twitter far more than I should - only got a couple thousand words done this week in the rewriting, sorry - because I'm desperate to build up a large enough following so Book 2 can really hit the ground running. And not just any following, but targeted marketing. General marketing does me no good, 99% of people are not interested in expansion/lesbian/futa/monstergirls/weeb long-form erotica. I've tried a few of those general marketing options and they don't pay out as much as I've paid in.
So half my Designated Writing Time is spent laying the groundwork for Book 2 so that when the release hits, I don't just knock it out of the park, I set up a foundation of sales and reviews that gets me out of the Red and maybe even makes me think I can quit my job and do this full time.
Give me a sec, I need to breathe into a bag for a moment.
Back. Ok, still have to finish Book 2, gotta calm down and eat this elephant one bite at a time.
On the plus side, if you are joining me from the Twit, welcome! I know I come off as a little manic, but I hope you can feel at home here, let down your hair, unzip your pants, maybe Jack or Jill one off with me to get you in the mood. Actually just got a new funky looking egg vibe with nodules on it that I've been meaning to try...
...oh...oooooh...this girl is more powerful than I...aaaaah!
34 minutes later
Whew! Alright, lots of love to spread! Frosty from Amazon left a wonderful review about how much my kinks keep getting kinkier. Thank you! All I can say is the kinks are only ratcheting up in Book 2 and by the time Book 3 rolls around, I plan on making sure the world is covered in a Noah amount of cum with titan-esque ladies of all types roaming the new Jizz Planet. So excited! There were also...I think?...2 more silent reviews on Amazon. I have trouble keeping track of those silent reviews because they don't come with time stamps. Anyway, thank you both so much! I also want to shout some love to Ray Flanigan who's stars look like they come from a place of weeb like myself! Thanks! I also appreciate Alet on GoodReads for their review. Critical reviews always make me sad, but that is only my own feelings and I wish Alet well and hope they come back to try Book2 and see if they like that one better.
I also want to take a moment and thank everyone that has been helping me on Twitter. I'm not particularly skilled with writing short messages but the love and attention the community has been giving me is absolutely stellar! I especially want to give a hug to @Kousakacomplex1 and @AverageJAuthor and @BunnyBardot. These three have been very kind and responsive in helping me get myself off the ground. Thanks! Super special thanks to @Kousakacomplex1 for the DM conversation we had that helped make sure I wasn't looking like a total noob!
Work is getting to be more no fun, looks like we had an OSHA violation so now the rest of us plebes have to suffer through more training. Aarrgh! I work in the office, I'm not over in the factory part...grr! And it looks like, even though I sit at a computer all day, I can't even wear nice shoes anymore, now I have to find steel-toed boots to wear to work from now on...double grr!!
Moving forward, I need to do less Twitting and more rewriting so I can do even more writing. Early 2021 is still looking good, I talked to Editor-kun and he'll have a few months at the end of the year blocked out - as soon as my check clears! - so after I'm done with the main story hopefully in November, it will be up to how badly he chops up my baby to see how long until final publishing cums around. Once the first few chapters are locked in, I'll update Book 1 to have some preview chapters. Then, I'll get ahold of my wonderful voice actress, @KatabelleVO to get some audioporn chapters done. The cover art is already done so Editor-kun just needs to format it, but I'll probably commission @Plasmidhentai to start work on the Book3 cover art so I can have it ready when I need it. After all these payments drain my bank account to nothing, I'll then busk on the subway to get a few coins so's I can eat while sales for Book 2 trickle in.
So much to do! I better get writing!
Keep harmonizing!
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