Originally posted on September 26, 2020 at https://ailovestogrow.wixsite.com/mysite/post/i-lost-11-pounds

The funniest part about this picture is I imagine this girl isn't wearing any panties. She just slipped on a pair of her boyfriend's jeans (those definitely don't look like they were means to fit a woman) going commando, and is now getting a fun eyeful of her kitty cat. Maybe she's thinking its about time to trim the bush, maybe she's giggling uncontrollably from a funny sounding queef. I can only imagine the model is telling the photographer with her eyes "hurry it up, there is a lot of chafing!"
I may sound like I'm in a cheerful mood, but I am not up to 100%. The bug turned out to be food poisoning - no, I don't know what I got it from, me and the spouse have checked and triple checked all my meals for a month, we don't know how I got it - and it got bad enough I spent half a day at the doctor's office with an IV to combat dehydration. In one week's time, I lost 11 pounds and let me tell y'all: it is fun to joke about losing weight that quickly but the actual reality of this kind of sickness related weight loss is that it leaves you feeling weak and wasted. I got back to work on Wednesday and I was only able to take a half day I was so tired. Thursday was better, Friday I even started to feel like a person again.
The weirdest part, in an almost prophetic Art Imitates Life sequence of events, Honoka goes through her own dramatic weight loss early in Book 2. It was eerie, because those chapters where what I was reworking on when this all hit and then it happens to me...gave me perspective into what it was like to have that happen to me and it left me introspective. And this was just me having a really nasty bout of food poisoning. I am absolutely beside myself in horror and awe at the amount of suffering people must go through for chemotherapy and then being able to smile afterwards! Here I am complaining about my little problems and all it has done is open my eyes to a whole world of pain other people experience. If any of you have gone through that, you have my respect.
Super props to Joseph Whitfield for the review on Amazon! I'm overjoyed you couldn't put it down, I know how hard it is to read such a long book one-handed (if you know what I mean ;). I really am working on Book 2, I've got over 200k words in it right now, just need to push through to finish this monster and then release it into the wild. Thanks!
Like I said last week, trying out Twitter at the moment (@AiLove30886336). I think what I'm mostly going to do on there is share #WritingErotica tips that I've learned from all the ups and down I've had getting my book published. I reason that if I get enough followers and a backlog of tweets on that profile, in a year it will probably work out as its own marketing stream. It also might not, but the problem with all marketing is: nothing is free, nothing is quick, nothing is sure. If it doesn't pan out, it doesn't pan out, but there is a possibility it might bring in dividends and that could mean the difference in quitting my job in the near future or the far distant future.
I'm thinking after this I'm going to relax and watch one of my favorite comedies, Noises Off. Michael Caine, Christopher Reeve, Carol Burnett, John Ritter, the movie is comedy gold. It has that fast paced wordplay dialogue that just doesn't exist in movies anymore, the kind you'd find in a Danny Kaye or Marx Brothers film. After that I'll see if I have the energy to get back to the keyboard today, but I'm still a little sluggish and my brain needs to get back up to speed before I think I can tackle any more reworking, much less moving the story forward. Please leave suggestions for similar comedies in the comments. Whether I've seen them or not, I'd love to hear what tickles your funny bones.
DESPITE ALL THE CRAP (pardon the pun), I actually managed to get around 3000ish words done in the rewriting. I say ish because I'm jumping from chapter to chapter, embellishing scenes or deleting others, but my overall word count has gone up instead of down so that's where I get my estimate. I think I still have a few more weeks of this, but then I'll get back and push through until the end of Book2 and then it will be in Editor-kun's hands.
I'll leave you with a fun quote I have framed on my desk at work that the spouse made for me years ago:
“Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten.” -Neil Gaiman
Keep harmonizing!
#ailovestogrow #miraclediarrheadietplan #sardines #isitwrongtotrytopickupgirlsinatweet
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