Saturday, November 7, 2020

Short And Sweet


Just going to make this quick and to the point. I got 9000 words. Chapters are meaningless at this point, but I'm past 30, I think.

Really, I've been messing around with what parts go where and the chapter numbers are all messed up.

I wanted to do so much more, but had a family crisis and then work had a thing that took all my routine and got really intense. Same hours working - maybe a little more - but it left me so exhausted each day I just stared at the screen. 9000 is an accomplishment in my book.

Still plan on finishing this month, just means I have to pick up the slack. I DID stay off of Twatter...mostly. My app on the phone lets me know when I get a DM. I feel obliged to answer those, but I resisted the siren call of twatting all week, only ejaculating my mind jizz this morning and throughout most of the day. Still got a third of my writing done today but could have done better if I stayed away from my twat. So if you DM me, I'll probably still reply, I just won't do anything in the Greater Twatverse.

Shoutout to Ruggedascent on GoodReads for the stars. Love me some reviews. In fact, speaking of reviews, depending on the type and length of a review on Amazon, I might be tempted to live tweet an orgasm out to you all. What do you think? I believe I'm pretty descriptive (you who have read my book, you be the judge) and so I would be fine with orgasming over a review.

((to be clear for Amazon bots reading this, I am not paying for reviews with orgasms, nor am I telling people HOW they are to review my product. I am saying that any review I get - good or bad - MAY lead to some sort of happy orgasm that COULD BE live Tweeted in a related but not directly influential way))

I'm also finding some great friends while playing with my Twat feed. @SandsShay, @BrandonBVarnell, @byMorganWright, @SuperAbsurdist, @insert25c, @AlexaSommers, @Vivienner0se, @AverageJAuthor, @LustfulTigress, @Kousakacomplex1, @WriterLindsey, @DTFullerBooks, @cmac10302, @EroticMorsel, @TJDallas7, @Scottzapper and @laulauev.

(If I missed you, please don't hate me, I'm just running out of time and there are so many wonderful people I want to thank!)

Special love to @laulauev for publishing my first interview at . There's even some bit of fun back and forth between this austere lady and myself and I'm happy to see even my filthy mind didn't turn her away. I want everyone to make sure they get a chance to drive traffic her way!

Need to put a lid on it today. Will update all my RSS feeds, send out my final twat, then call it a night. Tomorrow I have early Church because new C-Plague regulations are in place, but whatev's. Moses wanting to free his people shouldn't stop worshiping the Lord.

Loves and kisses to you all, you are all my lifeline!

Keep harmonizing!

#ailovestogrow #WIP #needtocumsobad #Shayisinsane

PS: Almost forgot! Sometime this week, @SandsShay will be doing another round of #ShayNo reading chapters from my book. I've already given her The Orders, and it should all be lots of fun. Make sure to keep track because I am serious that I will not be on this week, will read all about it next week. I might also be tempted to do something similar in the future, but I'm not sure how I would go about it nor would I be doing it probably unless I had enough of a following on Twat to justify the time.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry, forgot to say how much I appreciate ken heyder for the review of CENSORED! Lovely review, thank you and I hope you can find the uncensored just as riveting!


Quick Update

 A lot of you probably think I'm dead. I'm not, but I'm also not 100% With my condition, I'll never be 100%, but I'm man...