Saturday, October 24, 2020

Twat Feeds


Before I unload, almost finished Chapter 28, around 4000ish words. I think I need to do a once-over on it, tighten up some prose and fill in the lapdance, but keeping it moving is the most important thing right now.

A little sad to see no more reviews (except for one at GoodReads, I think? It says my rating average dropped but I haven't been able to find the review). I've been very humbled by there being a new review at least once a week since I got started, now I just need to toughen up when I don't get any. Sigh...I'm trying really hard to be professional about this, but my needy hamster brain keeps wanting her attention fix. Getting really close to the point where I'm going to stand on a street corner with a cardboard sign: WIL SMUT 4 REVIEWS!!

I've also reached the point in my life where my Twat feed (new Twitter handle @AiLovesToGrow) has completely consumed my attention. I've mentioned lightly I have addiction issues. Without going into details, I have been to rehab in the past and my ability to control or curb my appetites is as thin as the hibitions of a horny stripper. Twitting is unfortunately just another addiction for me and I'd stop but I'm actually seeing an upward trend in my KENP and sales from it. It is time consuming and life consuming, but it is working so I'm tearing myself apart trying to force myself into a middle ground when I don't know if I have the restraint to do so.

I have been slowly learning the rules and making friends and contacts on Twat, some of which I think will really pan out. First, Morgan Wright (@byMorganWright) is going to be creating an animated cover of Growing Problems and I am absolutely moist waiting to see what she can come up with! So excited! Second, Literary Express (@literaryexpress) interviewed me and will be featuring the interview on their blog ( ) sometime next month. I'm incredibly nervous about this because it is my first interview as an author and I don't know how people are going to react. Thirdly, a mysterious stranger has approached me about doing a collab or possibly writing fiction in the Becoming Monsters universe. More on that as it develops.

While I mostly use my Twat to tell bad jokes, every twit I send out is right at the wordcount limit and it drives me bonkers! I know the restriction is supposed to create a space to force creativity and the tighter the prose, the better. I just am WAAAAY too wordy to feel comfortable. A girl has got to stretch herself!

On that note, I am going to really try to get back to a better rhythm in my writing. I think at this point I've done everything I can think of to market Book 1 and lay the groundwork for what I'll need to do when Book 2 is ready. Mostly, I've been chatting with Brandon Varnell (@BrandonBVarnell) and his DAILY wordcount is so much longer and thicker than my WEEKLY wordcount, it is enough to give a girl Wordcount Envy. AND he has time for reading and porn when he's done. My jealousy is without limits! I've already bought a few of his books and I might have to read them just to understand how much better he is than me.

My backlog reading list is a towering monster trying to eat me alive.

Oh, one last thing because a lot of new people might be coming to read this from Twit: no politics please. I have opinions, very strong opinions in fact. I believe any intelligent reader who picks up my book and gives it a read will be able to guess what many of my opinions are. I would love to argue and nit pick all day over every facet of the political hemisphere. I worked professional in political journalism for years. However, Ai Love is here to provide smut and that is all she is going to do. Whatever your political orientation, I don't care. I write smut and I am delighted to interact with you all about smut. I hate it when others soapbox their opinions and make their stories a platform instead of writing a good story. I would be a hypocrite if I did the same thing.

Wish me luck! If you see me spending too much time playing with my Twat, don't hesitate to call me out and pull out the whip to get me back writing.

Keep harmonizing!

#ailovestogrow #twatter #BrandonBVarnellisabeast #nopolitics

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