Originally posted on August 7, 2020 at https://ailovestogrow.wixsite.com/mysite/post/school-video-equivalent

Yeah, I'd love to do something here with my usual flair, but IRL job is killing me. With all the overtime I'm putting in, I'm going to buy me a new cosplay outfit next month! It also looks like next week isn't going to be much better. Grr!
Despite that, got in about 4,000 words. Honoka is having some serious anger management issues because her superpowers have consequences and this was always something I wanted to write about. I even alluded to it in Book 1. Now she has double the harem and those problems have escalated to the point where it is out of her control.
Loves and kisses to Patrick Ketcher, thanks for enjoying the ride even if it wasn't what you expected. Care to share what you would like to see in upcoming books? Who knows, I might make it happen.
Welcome all joining me from http://www.process-productions.com/forum/index.php ! As fans have already discovered, lots of specific, processy smut to go around in Becoming Monsters with more to cum in books 2 and 3.
Anyway, back to the title. Remember how when a teacher didn't have anything so they just popped in a video to waste time? That's what I'm doing. Enjoy the preview of Book 2, Ch8:
((From earlier in the chapter: “Here’s what everyone got:” Honoka announced, her head clearing abnormally quickly with all the extra Attributes giving her a focused boost. “Miaka is going to be on point, which is why she has most of Banda along with Quinn’s Agility. This should be enough muscle and speed to handle and react to any traps we come across. Dolly will be rearguard with enough Dexterity, Perception and everything else from Quinn to fire off an arrow that could save Miaka if she gets in trouble. Sorry, Cheetara, but Banda’s boobs needed to go somewhere and the added weight might slow Miaka down for a deadly couple of seconds. I’m going succoblin to consolidate their Attributes, though I’m also taking Banda and Quinn’s Wisdom and Intelligence to keep my MP up. I’ve also never delved before, so I’m thinking having goblin regen is a smart move for me. I’m not sure how a long snake tail will work in a tight trap room so I’m leaving Padmava in reserve for now.” Looking critically at how Dolly was handling her breasts, Honoka pursed her lips and allocated the six Strength from Padmava over to Dolly, her muscles rippling underneath the fur and the young woman breathing a sigh of relief, giving a webbed thumbs up. Honoka scrunched her face up in pain, the headache sharp and fierce at this point.))
The following is a work in progress, Editor-kun hasn't even glanced at it yet, it is subject to change radically in the coming months.
“Run faster!”
Honoka would have bit off a response to that helpful advice if she could have managed one. Both of her arms pumping for all their worth as her stubby legs dug into the metal grating for all they were worth, her shorts and jockstrap long ago burned away from a waterfall of acid three rooms back, she didn’t have the breath left in her lungs to do anything more than huff and puff. Honoka would have laughed at how she looked if everything wasn’t so dire: the only clothing that had survived the six trap rooms they passed through was her belt holding her sword and gun, leaving her only one more tangled sheath in legs moment away from falling to her death. In fact, Honoka was using the novel idea of wrapping her tail around the sword to keep it from flopping around, her wings tucked around her neck like a cape, but they didn’t have the agility to move further around and down to give her any support. And without any support, she was getting smacked in the chin with each frantic running step as her breasts tried to pummel her to death. The sensation was intoxicatingly pleasurable, but she didn’t need the distraction.
Behind her, inching closer and closer, the rusty floor plating was falling away into an endless blackness while the walls kept firing those annoying poison darts.
“Hand me the pliers, I almost got it!” Quinn frantically yelled, standing on Dolly’s shoulders with her arm in a hole in the wall where the TC for this room was located. Dolly absently did so, then fired seven arrows into the air faster than a full-auto machine gun. Honoka couldn’t see what they hit, but as they whizzed around her each of those arrows clanged with impact, likely taking out a flurry of those poison darts before they could hit her delicate goblin skin.
“Forty more yards, Honoka!” Miaka was at the doorway, looking through to the next room and trying to stay aware of any extra surprises. “Just…oh crap!”
Honoka could see it, a large plate of the ceiling above the door was moving downward in a steady pace, trying to trap them all here, rusty screeching lowering the slab of iron downward quickly. Miaka could get through, but the other three wives didn’t have a chance before it closed them off. With a bit of the fastest math she ever crunched, based on what dimensions she could see, iron weighing a little less than five hundred pounds per square foot, the plate probably weighed around 35,000 pounds, which was more than all her allocated Strength could handle. However, at the speed it was falling there must be gears and a counterweight. Crossing her fingers mentally, Honoka fought through the headache and hoped Miaka figured it out.
“Aaah!” The owl-cow woman arched her back as she shot up another four feet and gained what looked like nearly two thousand more pounds of muscle. It happened so quickly a small cloud of feathery down surrounded Miaka for a moment, her grow actually causing patches of molting as her body tried to keep up with the increase of mass. Looking at the plate with trepidation, Miaka took a few quick breaths and stepped forward. “This is insane!”
Stooping down in a squatting crouch and pushing her hands upward, the massive woman caught the falling iron and actually slowed it. Unable to stop it, inching closer downward to killing all of them, Miaka adjusted her footing as she put her back into it, her large beak opening up in a roar and her entire body bulging, veins actually visible through her feathery down.
Two more inches. An inch.
With the most impressive display of Plus Ultra ever witnessed, Miaka stopped the plate from moving, her entire frame trembling with effort.
“Got it!” Quinn cried, pulling a crystal the size of her head out of the hole and dropping into Dolly’s arms. The ottertaur didn’t waste words, galloping around the corner and ducking under the gap to the next room.
The last ten yards were agony for Honoka. Not because they were painful, but because Miaka looked like she would rather die than leave Honoka behind. One talon, likely slick with sweat, lost her grip, dropping the iron down onto Miaka’s shoulders and looking to crush her. However, her hand now free, Miaka reached out and grabbed Honoka at the final moment, pulling her through, Honoka’s succubus tail narrowly missing the crushing, clanging metal as they both collapsed onto the plated floor and gasped for air.
“…huh…huh…” Honoka couldn’t catch her breath, and the metal felt so cool and soothing against her skin, rust and dirt be darned, she lay on her back and even enjoyed the pleasant little tingle in her back as her wings cramped and informed her why Diane disliked Missionary. “…you gals…do this…all the time?”
“…nah.” Dolly was also breathing hard, but it looked like less from exertion and more from adrenaline. “Stuff like this is cake walking. Sometimes we pick up jobs that are challenging.”
“My bad,” Quinn said absently, looking over the green glowing TC in her hand and pulling the thaumian reader from Dolly’s pack, something that looked identical to a voltage tester. “Didn’t think the dungeon would move routes on us, mind was workin’ a tad slow from allocation. Goin’ between Floors isn’t supposed ta be this bad here. Should’ve listened ta Miaka: she has the Taurine dungeon direction sense.”
“Didn’t know that’s what it was.” Miaka’s voice was deep and velvety, her large beak adding a small echo. Currently, she was taking up half the floor space in the room, her body probably requiring a permit at this point to operate in city limits. “Thought it was intuition.”
Honoka rolled her head, seeing a set of stairs leading downward and nodding to herself, fighting the headache and setting all the allocations to zero. Yelps and cries were heard all around as everyone went back to their normal selves. The loudest was from Honoka as she felt pain again and curled into a ball, coming to grips from what was left from some acid burns on her legs. They weren’t bad any more, no worse than a sunburn at this point, but suddenly feeling them was a shock to her system. When Honoka came out of it, she was being held by Quinn and Honoka’s heart eased within the comfort of that soft, dark fur.
“What’s next?” Honoka said, standing but still holding Quinn, unwilling to stop the huggles at the moment.
“Down some stairs and across some cold tundra.” Dolly was unloading the large rolls of winter clothing from her back, setting them down and unrolling them for everyone. “I’ve never been down there but Miaka has.”
“Selling Ice Wasp venom to alchemists is like printing money, and the deadly buggers are only found on 272.” The kikiyaon was holding a bicep wistfully, likely missing the extra muscles already. “If going into their hives wasn’t a death sentence, more people would be down there: need a fully equipped raid group to attack a hive. I’ve never been to the honey farm, but I’ve seen the signs before. We should be there in a half-hour, tops.” Looking over at Honoka holding Quinn, the kikiyaon leered and came over, running a feathered arm lightly against Honoka’s very erect cock. “Or should we take a short break?”
Sucking in a sharp breath, Honoka jumped away even as her hips pulled forward, her penile instincts trying to find a willing hole amid all these sexy ladies. This disjoint of her body pulled her out of balance and sprawled her on the floor, moaning from all the small injuries that hadn’t had a chance to finish healing from goblin regeneration. The other girls laughed and helped her up, each of them getting some choice words that rhymed with a number of curses.
And no, sexy time could wait, the group throwing on as many thermals, jackets, blankets and fur rugs as they could each carry or strap onto their body to make their way down the stairs to the lower Floor. At first, all four women got very sweaty under all the layers, but it wasn’t long before they were chattering teeth as the temperature dropped below zero and kept steadily moving downward. When they reached 272, the cold was debilitating and a strong, swirling gust caused the group of wives to pause and look out at the desolation before them.
This would have been a perfect time for a quip, but the expanse of white and rock and ice left everyone too depressed and cold to say anything. And Quinn would have been the only one to hear anything anyway, the wind a loud banshee wailing death and frostbite. What they could see past the flurry of whiteness was the whole open area was mostly flat, broken up with jagged bumps that would occasionally open into black caverns leading down into icy, unknown depths.
Miaka, who was holding one of her glowing battle rods, walked over to the left of the stairs and whacked a seemingly random piece of ice. A dozen or so love taps and the ice broke away, revealing a worn metal sign with a blue striped bee painted on it and an arrow pointing down a trail of ice further to the left. Without needing to say anything, the hunched birdwoman gathered her coverings closer and trudged down the indicated road, the others following close behind.
It didn’t take long, less than a half hour, but it felt like an eternity. Two more signs later, the group was standing in front of what looked like just another rocky cave entrance, but this one had a massive antenna out front and about five feet into the cave, a bunker-style steel door hidden under almost a foot of snow and ice. Above the door, the same blue striped bee could be partially seen under a dim lamp. It took a few minutes, but after breaking off a sheet of ice to the right of the door with her rod, Miaka pressed a button underneath a speaker.
The wind was still something fierce and no one heard the voice that crackled over the speaker. No one, except for Quinn. Moving to the front, the beastkin pushed the button and held it down as indicated next to the speaker, then screamed as loud as she could. “We want to talk ‘bout buyin’ some honey!”
“I only deal with licensed distributors and you aren’t Benson. Stop bugging me.”
Quinn turned to Honoka, about to explain when the black woman held up her hand, her eye twitching from allocating fifteen Perception, enough to catch most of the last response. Moving forward, Honoka pushed her numb fingers hard against the button. “Have you been selling a lot more honey this month compared to other months!?”
“That’s us!” Honoka was thinking fast, mostly to figure out a way to get inside rather than talk out here in the cold. “We want to buy a lot more honey! If you want, we can trade in potions or holstaur milk!”
“You’re the source of the milk upstairs? Hmm…”
It took a few minutes, but Honoka knew saying anything more might ruin the deal. When it was getting to the point of the cold forcing them to call it quits, a loud buzzer rang and the door cracked open, ice splinters flying everywhere and startling the wives. Feeling a rush of warm air with it, the four gladly ducked inside and sighed from getting out of the cold. Not that the room roughly the size of a college dorm was actually warmer, it just seemed that way, only around thirty degrees. But compared to the subzero temperatures outside coupled with biting winds, it practically felt like a sauna. The room was completely bare, only having one door on the opposite wall of the door outside and then a smaller door to one side. Each door was the same heavy steel, but the one opposite had a camera and speaker above it.
The most unsettling part, to Honoka’s increased Perception and sharing a grim look with Quinn, was that the door to the side had some deep, powerful buzzing coming from the other side.
“I don’t like being lied to.” When the voice spoke over the speaker, the door leading back outside closed and bolted shut, the whole system contained and unlikely to open with any amount of force. “I see a lot of interesting Races in here, but none of you look like holstaurs to me.”
“Wasn’t lying, Banda Longhat’s back at home, probably watching a Disney movie by now.” Honoka gave Miaka a sidelong look, glancing at the buzzing door. Miaka leaned over, her eyes widening when she heard it, shaking her head very slightly as she motioned between the two doors. “I guess you have DiFi access down here with that antenna outside. She’s the niece of Cholena Longhat, owner of the Boston Dairy.”
“If she opens that door and we can’t get out, in this enclosed space, we are dead.” Miaka whispered, Honoka only barely catching the warning.
“I don’t see anything about a Banda Longhat, but you’re right about Cholena.” Now that there was no wind and with a better speaker, Honoka could now tell that the voice was female, though it sounded warped in some way, like there was something stuck in her mouth. “Just means you came prepared. Only it doesn’t fit. By all accounts on the message boards, the amount of milk being sold in Harvardtown amounts to a small dairy, not one heifer.”
Honoka pursed her lips. How paranoid can one girl be? The futa was cold, horny and now more than a little worried she was about to die by giant bee stings. Reasoning never works with crazy, only more crazy would work. Which is when she got a crazy idea.
“You’re correct, there’s a secret to it,” Honoka announced, sighing dramatically and pushing the hood of her coat up. “Banda is a member of our guild, but she’s not the only one getting milked. Dolly, could you hand me one of the holstaur potions?”
Dolly, bless her heart, didn’t get it immediately and almost gave the whole game away. When she did get it, the cheetaur’s face smiled and Honoka would swear she was about to Kronk it up by saying Oh riiight, the potion, the potion for Honoka, the potion chosen specially to allocate Honoka, Honoka’s potion.
“This potion?” Dolly asked, holding out the vial of water Honoka saw earlier up at FDR.
“Yes,” Honoka replied a bit too eagerly, wondering why in the world she was stuck in a universe where a lie was about to make more sense than the truth. Shucking out of her clothing and weapons, Dolly and Miaka took it upon themselves to hold up one of the large blankets to protect Honoka’s modesty. Honoka didn’t really care, naked was becoming her zen, but she wouldn’t begrudge her wives for doing it either. Smiling a bit, Honoka held up the vial of water and gulped it down. She immediately bent over a little, looking like she was gagging but in reality suffering the effects of a massive Status migraine as she dialed up Banda and went all in. She also made sure to add another six Strength from Padmava and six more from Diane, thinking if things were about to go sideways she would just toro the door open like a mad bull.
Boobs and muscles really were Honoka’s top fetishes. Which one was more loved than the other, Honoka had no idea, they were tied for first place. Second place was a solid GTS with strange and interesting Racial monster girls a close third. Those four were all combined in Banda and Honoka actually thanked God every night before going to bed to not only live a life surrounded by women who all exemplified those traits, but to have a Class that allowed her to experience it herself anew each time she allocated. There was no question among the wives that Honoka loved each and everyone one of them as a person, thinking each one was beautiful and doing her utmost to treat each wife with respect, love, tender care and equal passion.
However, they also weren’t blind or stupid. They knew which wife ticked all of Honoka’s boxes. The fact Banda was such an adorable sweetheart the only reason jealous bullying hadn’t broken out. That, and the knowledge that each wife was only a few Harmony points away from being the next big girl on campus.
The wives didn’t see Banda as an unreachable ideal. They saw her as a hurdle they all needed to jump over.
“This never gets old,” Honoka whispered, her vascular system going into overdrive and blowing up all over her body, the burgeoning and bulging of her body swolling far beyond human capacity and building into a framework of muscled perfection Honoka knew as a holstaur woman. Shoulders grew out twice and proportionally wide, those clavicles and scapulas far thicker and larger to hold up the meaty deltoids and trapezius muscles. Pectorals fought each other to see which would grow larger over a ribcage that could now fit a heart and lungs capable of powering such a massive engine of throbbing destruction. It was enough to cream herself right there if the Beast hadn’t shrunk down and disappeared already.
As Honoka reveled in her breasts bloating and filling with hot, frothing milk, she noticed a few other things from the last time she spent any real time as a holstaur. First, her muscles really were bulging far larger than normal, making it difficult to move. This was expected, and she should have grabbed some more Agility to counter it, but her headache said this was going to be her limit for at least an hour. And she would have played with her new and large tits more - to heck with a voyeuristic camera watching beekeeper - but said tits kept on growing and growing. They passed what Honoka knew was a normal R to T sized range and only stopped just on the other side of Z. Reaching up, they felt abnormally heavy, even with all the Strength pumping in her arms. Confused, Honoka realized what the problem was as she felt a pressure building up behind her swollen teats, each one aching with a painful need to express milk.
Its like when I allocate as a succubus, Honoka realized, putting the hamster in her brain to work. Every allocation is stored in some kind of metaphorical closet when I’m not using them, but when I’m using a particular Race or even Racial Feature, it builds up or expends the particular energy of that Race while I’m allocating it. When I’m a succubus, I require sexual energy to fill up my hunger. When I’m a holstaur, my tits fill up with milk. Guess all the time has added up.
Holding up her arms in a devastating flex of both her guns, Honoka let the other wives wrap the blanket around her like a towel and then put on a few more coverings to keep her warm. “Satisfied? If you want a free taste test, you’re going to have to hurry and let us in before the potion wears off.”
Honoka blinked, wondering what in the wide wide world of sports is a Japanese phrase of disbelief coming from out of that speaker above the door. Before she could say anything, Honoka tensed as another buzzer sounded off and the door in front of them opened up on silent hinges. Puffing out a nervous breath, Honoka shrugged and led the way further into the bunker, the other wives following, everyone mostly relieved they wouldn’t be dealing with any monster wasps at the moment.
That's all I got. Hope this keeps y'all with me while I get back to a writing schedule that isn't constantly interrupted by work, Amazon Drama, marketing woes or just plain writers block.
Keep harmonizing!
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