Originally posted on July 10, 2020 at https://ailovestogrow.wixsite.com/mysite/post/hours-could-seem-like-days

If I were to go by the book, like Lt. Saavik, then I would recommend you all see one of my favorite movies, Star Trek II: The Wrath Of Khan. I wish I could make it more clear than that, but there are just some things so hard to convey in this day and age of media scrutiny.
My parents love movies. Growing up in the basement of our tiny home, there was a small, second game room where we had an old tube TV hooked up to a VCR. On a shelf nearby, hundreds of VHS tapes containing all sorts of movies were waiting to be watched. My dad liked old Sci-Fi (my mom liked Mel Brooks), and I watched all these old films over and over again until I practically memorized them.
So if I sometimes drone on and on about classics from a time of movies where they had the freedom to make a film without worrying about social justice, censorship and political correctness, try to bear with me while I laugh at Blazing Saddles instead of trying to be offended by it.
Anyway, back to the matter at hand. BM:GP CENSORED has become a hit! Not in the way of conventional wisdom, but it is definitely bringing in the sales. Yesterday, KU pages jumped over 6000!! That's twice more than my previous daily record! I went from having the lowest sales numbers of my book run to, as of right now, being in the top 18000 on the Kindle Sales Charts. I've never broken past 30000 and now I'm hitting 18k.
I might have missed writing new material this week because of editing and publishing CENSORED, but wow, has it been a much-needed injection of happiness that I definitely lacked. If this trend keeps up, I'll probably have enough joy energy stored up to finish Book 2 without any more slumps. I do want to see if I can finish Interlude 2 this weekend, then dive into Chapter 23 and all the fun growth there.
I did get a tiny bit of sadness this morning when I logged onto GoodReads. Thank you for the review, Danny Wilkerson. Looking through your profile, it would appear you don't give many high starred reviews and probably have a discerning pallet. I can appreciate that and would recommend Confessions Of A D-List Supervillain by Jim Bernheimer based on your list of favorite books.
As for the rest of you who understand BM:GP CENSORED, I ask you to give an honest review when you have the chance. To help you people get ahold of the book for a cheaper price, I just finished creating a promotion on Amazon where the book will be priced $0.99 from August 7th to August 14th. Until then, if you have KU, scan through and see if the story really does hold up without the smut, I'm curious to see what your opinions are.
Oh, one last thing. While I was listening to the amazing new version of God Bless The USA with Lee Greenwood, Home Free and the USAF, I had this vivid vision of the climax (ha!) of Book 3 (writers of porny novels can be patriotic, too). Backing up, I always kinda knew what I wanted to happen, but I could never really picture the details. To give a parallel, I knew Luke needed to blow up the Death Star, but I didn't know he would use the Force or get help from Han. Now I know how Honoka defeats the villain and it is so cool and crystal in my head that I can't get it out. Right now, I NEED to write it, even if I know I wouldn't be writing that scene for at least a year.
This is good news for you perverts. All the groovy vibes coming my way has excited me again to get to Book 3. And I know I probably sound all kinds of wishy-washy, and I'll probably go back and forth sometime again in the future, but right now - for the first time - I want to finish Book 2 so I can get to Book 3.
(I haven't written it out in plain English, but for those of you who have been reading between the lines, I'm diagnosed manic depressive. This is similar to the fluctuations of Bi-Polar, but the chemical imbalances are slightly different. I take 3 strong medications daily with 2 emergency medications in case I tip over to the deep end. I see a psychiatrist once every three months and I've been put on suicide watch in the past. Honoka's emotional roller coastery is often a reflection of my own problems. What I'm getting at isn't for you to pity me or feel sorry for me, but to understand me. I don't mean to seem like a flake that ping pongs between what I'm going to do or not do, this is just who I am. I hope you can all have patience with me while I sometimes lose faith in myself and need to struggle back to my baseline)
Ok, little too much PDA there. For those of you who have managed to stick with this post for this long, I'm going to throw you a bone. How does Miaka growing out of her clothing for the cover of Book 2 sound?

Allocate all your love towards the immaculate Plasmid! This scene happens as part of that Chapter 15 I've been talking about for months. Hope you perverts can wait a little longer to see it all in its explicit glory later this year!
Keep harmonizing!
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